
Publish the configuration file with the following command.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=thumbnail-config

The configuration file is located at config/thumbnail.php.



'signing_key' => sha1(env('APP_KEY')),

Reject attempts to maliciously create images by signing the generated request with a hash based on the request parameters and this signing key.


'memory_limit' => '1024M',

Memory limit that will be set when creating a thumbnail.


'allowedSources' => [
    'a' => app_path(),
    'r' => resource_path(),
    'p' => public_path(),
    's' => storage_path(),
    'http' => 'http://', //allow images to be loaded from http
    'https' => 'https://',
    'ld' => ['disk' => 'local', 'path' => ''], //allow images to be loaded from `Storage::disk('local')`
    'pd' => ['disk' => 'public', 'path' => ''],

The directories where source images are found. Can be either an absolute path or an array with the diskname and path of a filesystem.

Hint: The key ('a', 'r', ...) is used in the thumbnail URL. If you load images from a subdirectory e.g. storage/app/useruploads you can add this path as an allowed source as well to get shorter URLs.


'presets' => [
    'avatar' => [
        'destination' => ['disk' => 'public', 'path' => 'thumbnails/avatar/'],
        //add default parameters
        'smartcrop' => '64x64',

Thumbnail settings are grouped in presets. So that you can have different settings for e.g. profile and album pictures. The destination must be a public accecible filesystem, created thumbnails are stored there. Every preset must have a unique destination.


'filters' => [

List of filters that are called to create thumbnails. You can add your own filter here, to find out more read: writing your own filter.